Appreciationof works

The Night Journey ——Appreciation of works of the 6th BIAB


Yuji Kobayashi (Japan)

The Night Journey / 2012 / oil painting / 273cm×350cm

Appreciation: Hyakki Yagyo Emaki in the Muromachi Period depicts a summer night parade of monsters from Japanese folklore, which is bizarre and cheerful while the painting from the Japanese artist Yuji Kobayashi, The Night Journey, is not about old-time Hyakki Yakou Emaki but a modern fairytale drama. Most figures in the picture are grotesque and peculiar females, and they are just like flying wraiths crossing the forest under the mid-summer night. Some of them ride white horse or black sheep with house-looking hats. Some of them are in weightlessness. Under the command of the girl on the white horse, others play accordion, violin, cello, trumpet and other types of western musical instruments. Some of them step aboard the floating boats that take them to fly away. The imagination of the artist is rich and curious. Combining art elements of both Japanese cartoon and western oil painting, it creates a surrealistic, romantic and mysterious dream. (Wang Yong)

Yuji Kobayashi was born in Japan in 1948 and now he is a professor of Tama Art University. He has participated in many exhibitions in Japan and the USA and held many solo exhibitions in Japan.


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