Exhibition News

"Opening-up and Integration"——Selection Result of the The First Dafen International Oil Painting Biennale, 2018


    The first Dafen International Oil Painting Biennale, co-sponsored by the China Artists Association, Publicity Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPC, the Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Longgang District Committee of Shenzhen of the CPC and People's Gouvernment of Longgang District was professionally reviewed by the jury and approved by the Ministry of Education and Tourism. 264 works from 50 countries on five continents were selected, including 188 Chinese works and 76 international works. Please see the final list of artists and their works:


 Domestic Artists

Number Country/Region Name of Artist Title of Work Category
1 China Feng  Hua Embroidery  Ladies of Miao Race  Selected Work(collection)
2 China Gao  Zhenbin Spring  goes and comes  Selected Work(collection)
3 China Hao  Xuepeng Lone  Wanderer Selected Work  (collection)
4 China Lu  Weixuan Garments Selected Work  (collection)
5 China Tu  Qixian The  Charm of  China Selected Work(collection)
6 China Wei  Yupeng Crossing  of Xianshi Road  Selected Work   (collection)
7 China Xiao  Tianyi Mysteries   8 Selected Work (collection)
8 China Xu  Ranshu New  Scenery of the Era  4 Selected Work(collection)
9 China Zhang  Keyang A  Harvest Year of Baerhu Selected Work(collection)
10 China Zhou  Yang The  Last Bus Selected Work (collection)
11 China Cai  Weirong Red  Sun  Selected Work
12 China Chen  Jing Noon Selected Work
13 China Chen  Silu Visiting  Selected Work
14 China Chen  Teng Shenzhen   Port in the Morning Selected Work
15 China Chen  Xu Hong  Kong- Zhuhai- Macao Bridge in Construction  Selected Work
16 China Cui  Xiunan Staring Selected Work
17 China Fan  Huifei Dry  Flowers  6  Selected Work
18 China Fensunderi Previous  and Present Life of the White Zebra  Selected Work
19 China Feng  Guangshui Impression  of the Ancient City  A Morning in 2017  Selected Work
20 China Gao  Tongyu Chinese  Parasol Seeking for Peace  Selected Work
21 China Guang  Zhihao Light  of the City  7  Selected Work
22 China Huang  Yi Senior  Advance Course - Trotti  Selected Work
23 China Huang  Zhiyang Spring  Selected Work
24 China Jin  Lu Presence  of the Silk Road - Track in the Bottom of cases Selected Work
25 China Li  Kexia Sheep   8  Selected Work
26 China Li  Tongzhou Stories  of the Bottle Selected Work
27 China Li  Yin Presentation  in an Instant  Selected Work
28 China Li  Weizheng Path  of Fusion Selected Work
29 China Li  Zhuangzhi Images  of Time Selected Work
30 China Liu  Changming Net   Fish Selected Work
31 China Liu  Chuanke The  Quiet Fishing Port after Snowing Selected Work
32 China Liu  Wen Diary  of a Girl  Selected Work
33 China Liu  Wenwei、Li Zhenzhen Soul  of the Highland  6 Selected Work
34 China Liu  Ya'an Summer  and February Selected Work
35 China Luo  Wenyong Monument  of Struggle of Chinese and Overseas Chinese - Watchtower  2  Selected Work
36 China Luo  Zhangcai The  Ancient Language Over Thousand Years  Selected Work
37 China Peng  Xiaohang Opera  Celebrities Selected Work
38 China Shang  Bo New  Life on Mountains  Selected Work
39 China Song  Weidong Sea  Wind Knows the Strongest Pine  Selected Work
40 China Sun  Linli City Selected Work
41 China Wang  Lei Night  of the City - Busy People Selected Work
42 China Weng  Weimin Painting  Series of Impression of Hui’an  Selected Work
43 China Wu  Han Flame  Selected Work
44 China Xie  Mujia Pieces  of Haituo Mountain Selected Work
45 China Xu  Xiaopeng Time Selected Work
46 China Yang  Linhuangzi Pitch Selected Work
47 China Yang  Rongsun Double  Phoenixes  Selected Work
48 China Yao  Feng Afterglow of Ancient Town Selected Work
49 China Yi  Jing Xini  Prairie  Selected Work
50 China Yu  Shanghong Countryside Selected Work
51 China Yuan  Huiming Music  from the Ancient  Selected Work
52 China Zhang  Hailong Between  the Middle  Selected Work
53 China Zhang  Mingyuan East  Crossing in Beijing of Scenery after Work  Selected Work
54 China Zhang  Shuang Mysterious  Water  Selected Work
55 China Zhang  Wenai The  Old Blacksmith Selected Work
56 China Zhao  Bing, Pan Jianglong Wind  Blows  2 Selected Work
57 China Zhao  Weidong Condition  of Rebirth  Selected Work
58 China Zhu  Hui Happy  Land of Farmyard  9 Selected Work
59 China Zhu  Huijun The  Setting Sun  2  Selected Work
60 China Bao  Wentao Warmth   3 Selected Work
61 China Bi  Huichun Repairer  Selected Work
62 China Cai  Tao Fresh  Breeze and Peaceful Earth Selected Work
63 China Cao  Deming Unity  is Strength  Selected Work
64 China Chen  Hai Lost  Track of Time Selected Work
65 China  Chen Jun Self  Portrait Selected Work
66 China Chen  Weilong Youth Selected Work
67 China Chen  Weiguo Buddha  Cliff Along the Silk Road Selected Work
68 China Chen  Xu Min  Mountain at the End of Summer Selected Work
69 China Chen  Yao Nightmare  Forest  25 Selected Work
70 China Chen  Yujin Insects  Awaken  Selected Work
71 China Chen  Zeng Space   Refactoring Selected Work
72 China Chi  Yinghong Story  of Space-Cornfield  Selected Work
73 China Cui  Wenliang Under  the Warm Sun Selected Work
74 China Dai  Ruiqing Song  of Fishing Selected Work
75 China Deng  Yuanyuan、Zhou Jianquan Harvest   2 Selected Work
76 China Ding  Yong River  in Spring Selected Work
77 China Fan  Cheng Fish   01 Selected Work
78 China Feng  Xianqiang The  Scene of Early Spring  Selected Work
79 China Gao  Jiang Battle  Array  Selected Work
80 China Geng  Defa Hunting   Flag Selected Work
81 China Gong  An Disappeared  Waters  1 Selected Work
82 China Guo  Shulin Different  Ictus of Scenery Along the Road Selected Work
83 China Guo  Xiaodong The  Day of Getting Holy Water  Selected Work
84 China Guo  Xin The  Dawn Here is Quiet  2 Selected Work
85 China Guo  Zhengguang Impressions  of Kulangsu's Alleys Selected Work
86 China Hasiwula Auspicious  Mongolian series:Enlighten Selected Work
87 China Han  Jiqiang Peony  Pavilion  Encountering with Venice  Selected Work
88 China Han  Kewei Encircle  a City  20 Selected Work
89 China He  Liangfeng Backbone  Selected Work
90 China Huang  Pingshan June  in the Habitant of Miao Race Selected Work
91 China Huang  Xuequan Sonata  Along the Silk  Road on Sea  Selected Work
92 China Jia  Guanghui History  on the Door - Zhong Kui · Red Version  Selected Work
93 China Jia  Jiangang Golden  Flowers on the Sinomenium Acutum Selected Work
94 China Xie  Bin Walk  Into the Sunshine Selected Work
95 China Kexige  Batu Dream  of Prairie  2  Selected Work
96 China Kong  Fanwen Memories  of Pioneer  2 Selected Work
97 China Kuang  Quannong Footprint  · Regions South of the Yangtze River  5 Selected Work
98 China Lai  Peiwen Fishing  Season  Selected Work
99 China Lan  Chengbing Winter  Days  Selected Work
100 China Li  Daning Waiting  Selected Work
101 China Li  Jiajia Taihang  Mountain  4 Selected Work
102 China Li  Manchun Revelation  of Chamaa Dance  7 Selected Work
103 China Li  Xinzan Impression  of Life - It’s Quiet Here. Selected Work
104 China Li  Yaoyao Go  to Work Selected Work
105 China Li  Zhekun Courtyard   60 Selected Work
106 China Liao  Guanghua Warm  Breeze  Selected Work
107 China Liao  Youcai Stories   3 Selected Work
108 China Lin  Yang Comes  and Goes - Travelling for Art Selected Work
109 China Liu  Hao Remote  River Town  Selected Work
110 China Liu  Meizi Impression  of Wencheng - Tea Garden of Jiulong Mountain  Selected Work
111 China Liu  Yang Scenery  -Objects  4  Selected Work
112 China Lu  Hongjiang Ancient  Village in Black Selected Work
113 China Mai  Zushang Pond  Surrounded Dyke - Market Under the Sun Selected Work
114 China Mi  Hongfei Courtyard  in the Afternoon  Selected Work
115 China Nie  Zhanyuan Eight  Rivers Surrounding Qinchuan  2  Selected Work
116 China Peng  Hongbing Impression  of the City  51 Selected Work
117 China Peng  Yi Once… Selected Work
118 China Qi  Xiaoyong Fishermen  Returns in Storm Selected Work
119 China Quan  Qilin View Selected Work
120 China Ren  Jidong Dream  Going Back to Hometown  6 Selected Work
121 China Ren  Jie Alley  and People Returned Selected Work
122 China Rong  Kejun Visiting  Cheng’en in Spring  Selected Work
123 China Shen  Shuiming Ten  Unit Areas of Rice Fields  1  Selected Work
124 China Shitou Material  World and Astrology  1 Selected Work
125 China Shi  Chong Final  Destination  Selected Work
126 China Shi  Fei Change  Selected Work
127 China Shi  Haozhong Just  Color  Heart Selected Work
128 China Shi  Wanjie Tibetan  in Regions South of the Yangtze River - Nyang River Selected Work
129 China Song  Rongyao Late  Winter  2 Selected Work
130 China Sun  Dengtao Underground  Space Selected Work
131 China Sun  Ping Partner Selected Work
132 China Sun  Weixiang Abandoned  City Selected Work
133 China Tan  Zejia Memory  of Selecting Books  - Winter   2  Selected Work
134 China Tan  Jie Warm  Spring Selected Work
135 China Waqibihuo Daughter  of a Mother Selected Work
136 China Wang  Pengfei In  Class  Selected Work
137 China Wang  Tun Beyond Selected Work
138 China Wang  Dong Shopping  Along  Street Vendors  Selected Work
139 China Wang  Jin Rise  Up Selected Work
140 China Wang  Qin Memory  Fragments Selected Work
141 China Wang  Shaofu The  Sound of Singing Roars Above the Forest Selected Work
142 China Wei  Xing Families  Along the Three Rivers  8 Selected Work
143 China Wei  Yongren Road  to Hometown  12 Selected Work
144 China Wujisi  Guleng Go  on Spring Outing  Selected Work
145 China Wu  Rihan City Selected Work
146 China Wu  Aimin The  Place Where Dream Begins  Selected Work
147 China Wu  Bixia Familiar  Sea Wind  1 Selected Work
148 China Chi  Ruifeng Old  Horse Selected Work
149 China Xiao  Hao Orange  Port Selected Work
150 China Xie  Fei Harmony   Nature Selected Work
151 China Xu  Zongzhi Story  of Pian’an  1 Selected Work
152 China Xu  Dongming Peaceful  White Horse Plain  Selected Work
153 China Xu  Bingtun Warm  Wind in Hometown  6 Selected Work
154 China Xu  Zhangwei Build  Up Dreams  8 Selected Work
155 China Xue  Hanqing In  Front of and Behind the House Selected Work
156 China Yan  Chong Mainstay   11  Selected Work
157 China Yang  Bo Memories  of Jiang Nan  6 Selected Work
158 China Yang  Daming Yesterday  and Today’s Shenzhen Selected Work
159 China Yang  Jifeng Families  of Mountain Selected Work
160 China Yang  Jie、Xu Zhencheng Symphony  in Boat Factory  Selected Work
161 China Yang  Yan Thoughts Selected Work
162 China Yao  Gang Bunting  Flower  11 Selected Work
163 China Ye  Yong Red   8 Selected Work
164 China Yu  Minggao Getting  Together  Selected Work
165 China Zhang  Bo South  Breeze  Selected Work
166 China Zhang  Haibo Ordinary  Days  Selected Work
167 China Zhang  Jishuang Blessing  - Impression of Pagan, Burma, Our Friendly Neighbor  Selected Work
168 China Zhang  Jiaojuan Countryside  Landscape - Toucan Selected Work
169 China Zhang  Jinyu Subtle  Light - Window  Selected Work
170 China Zhang  Kainuo Voyage  Team Selected Work
171 China Zhang  Yang Morning  Hunting  Selected Work
172 China Zhang  Yibing Distance Selected Work
173 China Zhao  Fu Snow  on the Baerhu Prairie  2  Selected Work
174 China Zhao  Guangzeng September  Selected Work
175 China Zhao  Shuanglin Yoga Selected Work
176 China Zhao  Yuehan Damaged  Image  Three Continents  Selected Work
177 China Zhao  Zhige Getting  Together and Uprising Selected Work
178 China Zheng  Manyi Desire  - the Wild  Selected Work
179 China Zheng  Zhongkai Big  Scenery  Fusion Selected Work
180 China Zhou  Lixuan Niece  Selected Work
181 China Zhou  Xiaojun Fertile  Hometown Selected Work
182 China Zhu  Zhaoming Noon  Selected Work
183 China Zu  Shuqing Fencing   1  Selected Work
184 Hong Kong SAR, China Zhuo  Na Presence  of Lions Selected Work
185 Macao SAR, China Mai  Guangrong Miners   1 Selected Work
186 Taiwan, China Liao  Bensheng Artistic  Conception of Orient  Object Form of West Selected Work
187 Taiwan, China Shao  Wenfeng Bathing Selected Work
188 Taiwan, China Zhang  Xiankai Phantom  in the Waterstad Selected Work




 Foreign Artists

Number Country Name of Artist Title of Work Category
1 Argentina Sofia  Roncayoli Lombardi Phoenix Selected Work
2 Australia Nasser  Palangi Cultural  Value Selected Work
3 Bangladesh Kazi  Sayed Ahmed Out  Side Light Selected Work
4 Belarus Vasil  Sumarau The  Wedding Selected Work(collection)
5 Belarus Valery  Sidorkin Spring  Evening. Pripyat Selected Work
6 Bulgaria Plamen  Kirilov Kirilov Tradition  II Selected Work(collection)
7 Canada Tyson  John Atkings Ego  Song (after Cohen, Bacon, and De La Tour) Selected Work
8 Columbia Juan  Rodrigo Piedrahita Escobar Car Selected Work
9 Costa Rica Jose  Crisanto Badilla Arguello Encounter  of Cultures Selected Work
10 Croatia Leo  Kadele Motherboard  of Multiple Integration Selected Work
11 Cyprus Vaso  Thoupou Butterfly  Project Selected Work
12 Egypt Dalia  Atteya Cairo  1900 Selected Work
13 Egypt Mohamed  Elmasry Untitled  1-6 Selected Work
14 France Myriam  Romero Leroy Wooded  Paradise Selected Work
15 Germany Kathrin  Rank H2O Selected Work  (collection)
16 Greece Theodosia  Argyraki Cosmos Selected Work
17 Hungary Simon  Zsolt Companionship Selected Work
18 Iceland Hlif  Asgrimsdottir Vibration Selected Work
19 India Kashyap  Parikh Inseperable  Bonding Selected Work
20 India Kaushik  Gupta Meditation Selected Work
21 Indonesia Rusli Docker Selected Work
22 Iran Marzieh  Sadat Golestaneh Family  Nostalgia Selected Work (collection)
23 Iran Farideh  Zariv Peace  and Harmony Selected Work
24 Iran Niloofar  Mohamadi No  Title Selected Work
25 Iran Seyedeh  Maryam Mehran Nice  Tomatoes Selected Work
26 Iraq Malak  Ahmad Jamil Baban Babylon  World Heritage Selected Work
27 Israel Adva  Karni Chris  & Sarit Selected Work(collection)
28 Israel Shir  Cohen The  Longest Bracha Selected Work
29 Israel Debbie  Kampel Bridges Selected Work
30 Israel Yonatan  Ron Waterpark Selected Work
31 Italy Alessandro  Secci Untitled Selected Work
32 Italy Tonino  Maurizi Dancing  across borders Selected Work
33 Japan Misako  Chida Joy  of Apollo No.4  Selected Work
34 Kazakhstan Protsenko  Vladimir Hunting  Game Selected Work
35 Latvia Anete  Kalniņa Forest  in Winter Selected Work
36 Lebanon Hagop  Sulahian Vignette  of a Global Vision Selected Work
37 Lebanon Lena  Kelekian Harmonious  Integration Selected Work
38 Malaysia Suharmanto Meaning  the Journey  2 Selected Work
39 Mauritius Said  Aniff Hossanee Traditional  Sega Dance Selected Work
40 Mexico Andrea  Alonso Insecure Selected Work
41 Mexico Rafael  Ontiveros Luggage Selected Work
42 Morocco Rachida  Jnaini Nature Selected Work
43 Netherlands Naima  Karim First  Light Selected Work
44 New Zealand Roger  Thompson Sea  - Land - Forest - New Zealand Selected Work
45 Pakistan Sanya  Arif Culture  Exchange Selected Work(collection)
46 Pakistan Masuma  Khwaja Freedom  At Last Selected Work
47 Panama  Huang Wong Sally Songs  of Rainforest •10  Selected Work
48 Peru Danilo  Oyarce Alvarado Birth  of Harmony Selected Work
49 Peru Julio  Gomez The  Sun Rises Tomorrow Selected Work
50 Philippines Cristina  Taniguchi In  the Street of New York Selected Work
51 Poland Bartosz  Fraczek Remembered  places - Madrid Selected Work
52 Poland Urszula  Minciel  Bluemetrie  - Independent Painting Beings Selected Work
53 Portugal Nuno  Canelas We  are Blind Selected Work
54 Russia Igor  Panov Double  Portraits Selected Work(collection)
55 Russia Katerina  Borodavchenko Jellyfish  Girl  Selected Work(collection)
56 Russia Andrew  Andreev Harvesting  Potatoes Selected Work
57 Russia Andrey  Gennadyevich Happy  Ranch Selected Work
58 Russia Sergey  Gorbatko October  Selected Work
59 Russia Vitaly  Graphs Courtyard Selected Work
60 Russia Roman  Derkachev New  Summer  Selected Work
61 Russia Sergey  Sergeev The  Joy of Spring Selected Work
62 Russia Evgenu  Fetisov Bryansk  Trinity Cathedral Selected Work
63 Russia Alexander  Oligerov Night  Flight Selected Work
64 Serbia Milica  Lazarevic The  Longer Path Selected Work(collection)
65 Serbia Borko  Petrovic Yayoi  Kusama portrait Selected Work
66 Singapore Yu  Dan Ya Game  - Way Selected Work
67 Sweden Nils-Erik  Mattsson Portrait  of Mark - two times on a Stool Selected Work
68 The Republic of Korea Annette  Hur Beneath,  beyond, and the other Selected Work
69 Tunisia Leila  Shili Integration Selected Work
70 UK Fiona  Stanbury Social  Integration, Peace and Opening Up Selected Work
71 USA Liang  Wei I  See it Selected Work
72 USA Jove  Wang Grandma  and Her Two Grandsons Selected Work
73 Venezuela Pedro  Leon Canoe  "Wuaraina" Selected Work
74 Vietnam Trần  Van Ninh Long  Bien Dream

Selected Work

75 Vietnam Dam  Lan Tung Dream  of Goldfish Selected Work
76 Yemen Radfan  Almohammedi What  Then Selected Work

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Tel: 86-10-59759382   59759383    59759391 

Fax: 86-10-59759381  

Website: www.bjbiennale.com.cn (access to both English and Chinese websites) 

Forms download address: http://www.bjbiennale.com.cn/en/ParticipationWay/ 

E-mail: bjbiennale@163.com (Please mark your nationality in E-mail subject/theme)